What is our Budget calendar year?

July 1 – June 30 is the 12-month period of the University budget fiscal year.

What are Funding Sources and what do they mean?

Funding Source is the revenue source that supports an activity – state-aided funds, revolving funds, auxiliary funds, and restricted funds.

  • State Aided (cost centers beginning with 21) activities are supported by state appropriations (tax dollars) and university-generated cash funds (primarily tuition income).
  • Revolving (cost centers beginning with 22) fund activities generate revenue such as laboratory class fees, clinic and workshop fees, etc.
  • Auxiliary (cost centers beginning with 23) fund activities furnish goods and services to students, faculty, staff and the general public for a fee. Examples are Athletics, Housing, and Food Service
  • Restricted (cost centers beginning with 24, 25, 26, or 27) funds can either be Federal funds (grants or contracts) or Trust funds (gifts, student loans, endowments, etc.)

Can I transfer budget between different Fund types (e.g., State Aided to Revolving or Auxiliary or vice versa)?

No. Each fund type is supported by a different revenue source e.g., State Aided to State Appropriations and Tuition, Auxiliary to Athletic event ticket sales or paid housing contracts, etc. Each different revenue source must be used for expenses related to that source.

What is Permanent Budget?

Permanent budget is the continuing base budget. The General Operating Budget provides detail of the permanent base budget for each cost center. The permanent budget is the beginning fiscal year budget on July 1.

What is Temporary Budget?

Temporary or current year budget is the amount of budget available to spend in the current fiscal year period.  Temporary budget is displayed on the Cost Center: Revenue and Expense Summary report in the “Plan” column. The Temporary budget can the original beginning budget and/or the beginning budget amount adjusted for temporary budget adjustments.

How do I request a budget transaction be made

Budget transactions involving Planned Salary categories (511000 – 517000) can be transacted by completing a PAF (Personnel Action Form) when Permanent budget lines are being adjusted. The PAF Form can be found on SAPPHIRE. Transactions involving temporary budget transfers in addition to entries to planned benefit and nonpersonal services expense categories should use the Budget Transfer Form found on SAPPHIRE.

How can I tell the positions available in my area?

SAP provides a view of all positions assigned to your organizational unit via the following menu path: Human Resources > Organizational Management > Simple Maintenance > Display. Type your Organizational Unit number or use the drop down icon and hit Enter. Click the Staff Assignments button. All positions will be listed for the organization unit by position number and description. If there is a plus sign to the left of the position title, the position is filled. When you click on the plus sign the personnel number and name of the incumbent on that position will be revealed.

How do I set up a new position?

The New Position Form is available on SAPPHIRE. Complete the form and submit it to the Budget office.

How do I change position reports to or leave approver, travel approver relationships?

The University's Org Relationship Change Form is available on SAPPHIRE. Instructions for completion and routing are at the bottom of the form.